Author Archives: Park View

Lighting Contest

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Yard Lights

To keep our community safe, we need to have ALL yard lights in working order. With it getting dark earlier, we need to check our yard lights. Remember all Park View homes are required to have a working yard light … Continue reading

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Town Hall Forum with Sheriff Lane

Join us Wednesday, August 11th at 6 PM for a town hall forum with Scott County Sheriff Tim Lane where he will be available for questions regarding the Scott County rental ordinance and any other questions/concerns you may have. Regularly … Continue reading

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2021 Park View’s 4th of July Celebration

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Annual Meeting – Wednesday, May 19 at 7 PM

The annual meeting will be held at the PVOA Building at 17 Lincoln Ave. on Wednesday, May 19th at 7 PM. The meeting will include: annual reports from the Board of Directors, audit reports for 20219 and 2020, election of … Continue reading

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Used Oil Collection

We are resuming collection of used engine oil on the first Saturday of each month. Oil can be dropped off at the maintenance shop at 16 Lincoln Ave on May 1st from 8:30 – 10:30 am.

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Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 17 Lincoln Ave. Or you can join us virtually on Microsoft Teams Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio … Continue reading

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Bylaws Amendments

Please return your ballot for the amendments to our bylaws. The changes will allow participation in meetings by electronic means such as telephone or computer. This is a topic that was not addressed in 1966 when the bylaws were adopted. … Continue reading

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2020 Financial Report

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2020 Newsletters

The Profile was published 5 times in 2020 due to meetings being cancelled due to COVID 19 concerns.

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